Lost On High Seas
profound unalleviated anguish
i gave you the world yet I’m still starved for land
i treated you well, you tricked me till i drowned
i sunk into the ground, the very place you now stand
i burn in desert sands, but who am i to curse the sun
severe relentless pain
“In this life I’ve been lost. Without a clue how I got here, or how to find myself. I’ve lived many a day in uncertainty. Awakened to the fact that I may never be found again. But stubborn as a mule, with limited tools, I search to find a muse, for this poetry I [ab]use.”
“Everyone’s a user, but leave if they’re abusive.”
- A naive 20-something millennial
I let my fears go and forgot all my phobias. Now I row a packed canoe en route to Utopia.
Why do we hurt the people we love the most?
How come we only see how they feel when the feeling is gone?
I found answers, but they’re not here anymore.
“I lost my mind, and you won’t believe the things I found as I searched the world for it”
- Another 20-something millennial
“Insecure. I feel like my existence could soon be forgotten by you because I lack in everything you deserve to have. Insecure. Tatted scars on narrow shoulders that weigh the world, but for how much longer? Insecure. I find words with deep meaning when I’m spilling out my feelings, but if you ask me this is just a poem because I’m in secure”.
oxy + gin
She thought my silence was suffocating
until she realized
it was the only way I could breathe
Entangling the present with the past, is like walking through shards of glass, from dawn to dusk, and asking why you feet stain the dust with blood.
Emotion x Immortality
Wounds from a past life heal
but stitches on a heart are hard to conceal
You showed me your scars
They are who you are
And you’re beautiful just the way you are
A soul like yours is worth more than gold
A soul like yours has left me in awe
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